5 Reasons Why The Roosevelt Is Simply The Best Flag Pole Standing
Embodying the most illustrious elements of our American spirit, the Roosevelt Flag Pole’s list of standout features is almost as long as the Constitution itself.
Blazing into the limelight, the Roosevelt Flag Pole firmly established itself as the stand-alone choice for the most fiercely patriotic among us. And when you check out its impressive resume, there’s little mystery as to why this particular flag pole stands so proudly.
Our Roosevelt 25ft telescoping flagpole isn’t just a name—it’s a tribute to one of America’s most fearless leaders, Theodore Roosevelt. His bold vision and enduring impact inspired us to create a flagpole that reflects his strength and commitment to American values. Learn more about the man behind the name in our Tribute to Theodore Roosevelt article.
Standing strong and tough enough to champion everything we value as Americans, here’s just 5 reasons why the Roosevelt towers above the rest:
5. It’s Built Like an Absolute Beast
This monster of a flag pole didn’t leave any stone unturned during the design process. With its impressive durability stats, you might be picturing an industrial-looking behemoth standing a little too statuesque in your front yard... But the Roosevelt’s relentless pursuit of patriotism demanded that this flag pole embody form as well as function.
Each Roosevelt Flag Pole undergoes an anodizing process to achieve its sleek black finish. Here it gets a double-whammy of style and substance, as the premium black anodized shell does more than just look great. This finishing process of anodizing creates a protective shell around the pole that rivals the hardness of diamonds. Like a coat of armor, your Roosevelt is protected from wear and tear, so it’ll never rust, scratch, or chip - no matter what you throw at it.
4. It Will Literally STAND up to a Hurricane
When faced with adversity, this flag pole fearlessly stands as solid as its namesake, Teddy Roosevelt. Ever hear about the awe-inspiring times our 26th President took on the elements and won? Well, those triumphant feats against nature could be saluted only by the toughest flag pole ever conceptualized.
The Roosevelt’s construction ups the ante with some seriously battle-born features.
It packs 152% stronger construction than your average residential flag pole, thanks to its 13 Gauge Aircraft Aluminum walls that are 50% thicker, with a hefty 3-inch diameter rim.
Pairing The Roosevelt Flagpole with the right lighting is essential for visibility and compliance. Our top-tier solar flagpole light ensures your flag is illuminated efficiently, no matter the time of day. Learn more about why it’s the best choice in 5 Ways Our Solar Flag Pole Light Dominates All Others.
Mother Nature wasn’t too pleased to see these poles being constructed from the same stuff that airplanes are made of… But she can bring it. Gale force winds don’t stand a chance.
The crazy guys at STAND even mounted this bad boy to the back of a Hummer and took it for a test drive at 100mph, all in the name of proving their theory that the Roosevelt would stand up to Category 1 Hurricane Winds.
What resulted was almost history in the making…
Ask Roosevelt himself if the grit of this flag pole passes muster, and a tip of his hat would surely be in order.
Pairing The Roosevelt Flagpole with the right lighting is essential for visibility and compliance. Our top-tier solar flagpole light ensures your flag is illuminated efficiently, no matter the time of day. Learn more about why it’s the best choice in 5 Ways Our Solar Flag Pole Light Dominates All Others.
3. The Pinch & Pin System Locks it Down Like it Means Business
To save you all the homework, here’s the 101: While most typical residential flag poles rely on a “friction lock” to secure their telescoping sections (translation: flimsy hold), the Roosevelt absolutely dominates the competition with their innovative Pinch & Pin System. This proprietary innovation doesn’t leave anything to chance, and steps up to the important job of holding the telescoping pieces firmly where they’re supposed to be (and keeping them there).
This groundbreaker of a system is what allows the Roosevelt Flag Pole to truly blur the functionality lines. The Pinch & Pin Locking System elevates the Roosevelt to rival the strength of a solid aluminum pole, whilst still providing the transportability and reasonable price point of a traditional telescoping pole.
The Roosevelt flagpole isn’t just about standing tall—it’s about standing for something. Inspired by one of America’s most influential leaders, this flagpole is a tribute to Roosevelt’s enduring legacy. If you want to dive deeper into the story behind the name, check out our Tribute to Theodore Roosevelt article.
2. You Can Rep TWO Powerful Messages at Once
We’re fiercely patriotic, and we speak our truth proud and loud. First and foremost, we’re proud flag-flying Americans… But we also like having the option to honor those other causes and beliefs we proudly stand for.
Until now, championing our message by flying just the stars and stripes has been the only option, due to the fact that most flag poles out there only have a mount for one flag. But in our book, nothing could be more patriotic, or celebrates the very essence of the American spirit more than paying homage to the other heroes close to our hearts too.
The Roosevelt’s high yield cleat system allows you to do just this.
You can proudly fly two full-sized flags: One for our country, and one that salutes our servicemembers, thanks our police, honors our fallen heroes, or celebrates our freedoms.
Fly your flags proudly at full-staff, or respectfully at half-staff with ease, thanks to the dynamic pulley system that allows for effortless adjustments.
1. There’s Bonus Gifts You’ll Actually Want
The Roosevelt seals the deal with its bonus bundle included free with each flag pole. When you snag yourself a Roosevelt Flag Pole, you receive a bunch of additional extras you’ll actually appreciate, which round out this package as a truly complete kit.
You’ll score:
- A free Premium Embroidered American Flag
- A free Premium Aluminum Gold Finial Ball
- Rope and halyard system included (unlike other brands!)
- Limited Lifetime Warranty good for one replacement in the rare event that mother nature takes down your pole
- FREE Rush Shipping & Handling
All this awesomeness considered, we know without a doubt that your search for the ultimate American flag pole ends with the Roosevelt. This sleek, tough, tricked-out flag pole kit checks all the boxes for durability, style, and value… And then some.
🇺🇸 Illuminate Your Roosevelt Flagpole the Right Way! 🇺🇸
A premium flagpole like the Roosevelt deserves proper lighting to ensure your flag is displayed with honor, even at night. Wondering about the best lighting options? Check out our guide How to Light Your Flagpole: Facts, Tips & Answers to Common Questions to learn about solar-powered LED lights and how to stay compliant with flag etiquette.
Order yours today & fearlessly fly your flag of patriotism, loyalty, and pride with this downright American pole that stands boldly above the rest: We know Teddy would approve.
Still deciding if The Roosevelt Flagpole is the right choice for you? Our comprehensive guide on Things to Consider When Choosing a Flagpole will help you weigh your options and make an informed decision.
Before installing The Roosevelt Flagpole, homeowners should check their HOA’s regulations regarding flagpole height, lighting, and placement. Some communities have specific rules that could impact your decision. To ensure a smooth installation, read our Homeowners Association Guide: Know Your Rights.
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