What Are Some Ways We Can Take Care Of Your Lawn?
What Are Some Ways That We Can Take Care Of Our Lawn?
You always want to be that person that has the best lawn in the neighborhood. Here are some ways how!
Depending on the type of grass, you will want to water 1-2 times per week. Check with your local nursery or extension office to see how often you should be watering your particular type of grass.
-Mow your lawn at the proper height. Again, this depends on the kind of grass you have. The general rule of thumb is to never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade at a time.
-Make sure your lawnmower blades are sharpened. Dull blades will tear the grass, causing it to be more susceptible to disease and pests.
You want to use a fertilizer that is specific for your type of grass. A general rule is to use 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet of lawn.
-Test your soil. This will help you determine which nutrients your lawn is lacking. You can then adjust your fertilizer accordingly.
-There are different types of lawn grasses, and each type has unique characteristics. Some types of grass are better suited for shady areas, while others need full sun, some types of grass are more drought tolerant than others.
-Choose the type of grass that is best suited for your particular lawn.
Weeds can be a real problem in lawns. They compete with grass for water, nutrients, and space. The best way to control weeds is to prevent them from germinating in the first place. This can be done by using a pre-emergent herbicide.
-If you already have weeds in your lawn, the best way to get rid of them is to pull them by hand or use an herbicide.
-Moss can also be a problem in lawns. Moss thrives in shady, damp areas. If you have moss in your lawn, you will need to increase the amount of sunlight and air circulation to the area. You can do this by thinning out trees and shrubs, and removing debris such as leaves and branches.
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